2020 IS A DREAM.

2020 be like:
Aku dimasa depan, kalau lihat tulisan ini lagi beberapa tahun mendatang. Covid 19 itu nyata adanya. Are you even still alive?
So, apa tren tahun 2020? Tiktok, tiktok, tiktok...
Hahahaha pencitraan, sensasi gak penting, merendah untuk meninggi, sensian, banyak pengangguran "nganggur", kelaparan, kesulitan ekonomi. Sulit.
Sebenernya pengen nulis serius tentang sesuatu. Tapi ini prolog dulu ya sebentar.
Sepanjang nulis blog dari sekitar 10 tahun yang lalu, tema blog ini selalu berubah-ubah mengikuti empunya blog. Jadi blog ini tuh kayak artefak bukti perkembangan saya dari umur 20 sampe sekarang umur...29 lebih dikit hampir mau 3...3...enggak blum 30!
Puisi, literasi, pendidikan, sosial, budaya, novel ga jadi-jadi dan ga tamat-tamat juga ada. Nah 2-3 tahun ini tuh saya suka lagi sama berkebun, dan tahun ini lagi belajar menjahit. Asah pikiran selama jadi "pengangguran sementara" jalur covid 19.
Pertanyaannya, apakah saya bisa fokus menulis tentang perkebunan? Dan menjahit? Jawabannya tidak. Pertama saya ga punya kebun yang "layak" untuk disebut kebun. Kedua, saya masih belum bisa menjahit yanh rapi. Ketiga, semuanya tidak layak masuk konten. Keempat, saya malas. Secara semua sekarang harus dibikin konten ya kan, kalo kontennya ga menarik siapa yang mau baca? Nonton? Suka? Komen? Dan bagikan? Sabskrep?
Jadi gimana? Hmmm, pikirin dulu deh. Kita jalani aja dulu kalo katanya mantan saya yang kayak tai.

What should I write again?

June 2019, early summer.
The trend ain't about blogs anymore darl. It's still about those fancy called-so artist, prank maker, sensational spot attention seeker and fancier at things that is more popular these days. Poems? Novels? Self inspiring story? Nuh uh, nobody cares anymore. Blogging way far behind those people.
I can't sleep tonight so I guess I'll just write down what's in my mind. Considering less of million people will find this writing accidentally, no worry shall be intensifies. People getting depressed easily these days, they'd love being offended by simple unnecessary things and start to fight online with other people that actually they never met before. About anything. Politics, Religion, Races, Environment, Personal figures even...a cat video? What's wrong with this people?! I get dragged there too unintentionally, like I just write a comment about what's in my mind asking about things that they shared because I confuse, but they attack me harmfully. Are you even okay? I'm not mad, just it's funny to see this people are there in real life.
They must be fun at parties.
Maybe people need to calm down. My mind is already tangled to my own depressing hysterically miserable life. I don't want to get involved to any online dramas. Then I decide to I'd rather be a silent reader than get baited and having a grudge in an unreal argumentation. Pft, internet sucks!
Soooo.... Get back to the trend. What should I write here again anyway? Since in old days I've done education, politic mind, poems, some short story and indeed, some wishy washy personal story. Some of them I consider giving my best brain cells that left to wrote it and when I re-read it again somehow...I never believe that I wrote such an amazing writing uh huh .... *self-proclamation*
I wouldn't do education and political ideas anymore anyway, absolutely. I mean, look at me now! What I am, just a regular house-wife that not again touching the books, join the protester parade or having social volunteering activities.
So yea I feel no confidence to able creating a real "living, enlighting. motivational" article anymore. So do my mood and my productive time goes away along with my youth lol
But it doesn't end the possibility that I may write something very real and high-road one day. I just need time to refill my ideas and observing problem on the society that maybe I can publish here, about what's in my perspectives.

 So well, that's it. A letter of an (ex productive) writer, can I say so? I hope I'll see you again soon with my brand-new ideas and lively writing. Thank you.

It's for you who found it, from nobody means for yourself

I'm not writing this because I want to suicide or have a real disease. I write this to you who found it, I've ever be there real in the world. Till I wrote this, I still don't understand to whom I was meaningful.

When I face myself in the mirror while combing my tangled curly hair, I see that little girl with a messy mind and start crying. Like I have been thinking this whole life. She suffered so much, yet happiness finds a small measure to be done. I am not an artist, a celebrity, an inspiring figure yet a successful money maker. But many people have their hard time in life, some even end up still hard to be alive easily. Ijust want to flush it out by write this memo. And this is my story...

I am the oldest of my family and the only daughter that she had. I have brothers. I never tell people about it, even my husband. What's the real number of my brothers were. They are three, not only one. I'm so scared to death to tell about it. The rest two has very young age, even the lastest were born when I was 22 yo. It's quite intrigue. I have many allegation, they might not gonna believe it's my brother. Now I still have that heavy in my mind. The lastest been adopted by my high school English teacher, I hope he lives happily with his new family out there. The third lived with my mom, in my hometown with my step-dad. And the second been somewhere I'll never tell, he's alive.
My dad passed away when I was 22, when my latest brother just born. I lost that part of memory because my brain refuse to remember it. Human's brain will protect its cell by removing the most negative part of memory to prevent from damage. So I ran away from my responsibility to Capital and living my life there for at least one year until I brave my self to contact home.
Facing a reality that my lovely home been sold by her and she got hit by her own brother by running away our money from selling the home. The rest of money, she bought a small house, under-qualified house. Then things happen again, that I am so mad at her, then agree that my smallest brother been adopted and she re-married again with my step-dad. I can't hate him, I have not any single reason. I just question myself, what made you into this decision without asking me first if I agree or not, have you ever figure out that I mean something to welcome someone with head-role in our family? I wonder no is the answer, maybe I've never existed in you life mom.
Two years of that tumbled time, I conclude that I don't need to check myself to psychiatric anymore, I have mental issues. I don't know what they categorized it, bipolar or self-symptom or  schizophrenia or anything hell I don't care about the name. That I am sick. I need to help myself.

So I met this man, I throw him stones and he's not pushing back. It's my time to regret. I'll give it to him. A thing called love. I'll start to learn it. He might not that boy who I love the most but going out  somewhere else, he might not that boy who admit he had also 'mental issues' but the truth is he's just ashamed he's with me or the boy who I think my bestfriend but end-up with who (I think too) my girl-bestfriend and hide it behind my back this whole time.