Casserole and Magma (Epilogue To Prologue)

11:10 PM LovelyBunny001 0 Comments


what's the name of flavour that ...

you can't hide everything from him
told him light and dark
what's the name of flavour that
you get biggest passion
to say to The One World and make believe to grow confidence
that I have My Plus
what's the name of flavour that
you can feel that you have a strenght
to raise up the dreams
what's the name of flavour that
when he said together with you :
Let's make thru our dreams together
what's the name of flavour that
you don't need to say anything to anyone
but you're strong to do that

"Kekuatan terbesar dalam hidup adalah orang-orang di sekitar kita" - Anonymous.

pernahkah manusia berpikir ?
hujan turun untuk membuat kita meratap sepuasnya tanpa hujan
pernahkah manusia mencari ?
kemana batas mimpi-mimpi mereka membawa mereka berakhir
pernahkah manusia bergerak ?
mewujudkan pemikiran-pemikiran berlian di dalam ribuan sel neuro
pernahkah kita mencari ?
kemana akhirnya kita datang

Because you both were born at the same date. 

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