Enjoy the natural beauty, preserve biodiversity!

7:03 PM LovelyBunny001 0 Comments


Written by: Etna Khairullah
Who does not know the natural beauty of Indonesia ? Large or small the whole island in Indonesia is a paradise destination for travelers who want to enjoy the beauty of nature . Bali , island of the gods to the most famous part of the world . No beach is not blue , no village is not calm and no that is not a green lake in Bali . Today, West Papua also has begun ogled the charm of the sea and coral reefs in Raja Ampat and Down in Anambas Island , Riau Islands . Then Derawan Islands in East Kalimantan and Karimun Jawa in Central Java province also do not want to lose the beauty of the marine life that can make the desire of the lovers of water sports such as diving and snorkeling and want to immediately dive into direct contact with marine life . What about the natural beauty of the land ? The land that was once touted as the agricultural land has mountain ranges and beautiful mountain sightings accompanied by the extent of the spread of tropical forests and diverse wildlife that inhabit the ecosystem . Do not even need to use the services of travel, you can gather together with friends to do the touring and hiking enjoying the natural beauty of this for free .
But do you ever think when enjoying the natural beauty , there are a large number of fauna that its survival is being threatened due to deforestation and poaching of wild animals by people who are not responsible for that want to take advantage of the natural resources in Indonesia ? Fauna in natural habitat hunting land and oceans directly threaten biological variety that became the main support natural beauty of land and sea in Indonesia. Data by living planet WWF International in 2003 , Indonesia has the highest number of species lists will become extinct . Including the Javan and Sumatran tiger species . While the total area of the ocean in Indonesia reached 7.9 million miles , or about 81 % of the total area wilauah Indonesia . Problem of coral reef conservation and hunting and exploitation of marine habitats is still a problem .
Indonesia is a country with a very firm in response to problems associated with environmental destruction . In the Law of Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystem No. 5 of 1990 clearly written criminal penalties for perpetrators of wildlife poaching . While many found the reality masij cases of poaching wild animals in their natural habitat come place .
Not out of the memories we recently found in a large number of animals that will slow lorises smuggled abroad in Borneo , as well as those perpetrated against orangutans even up on their meat consumption . In addition, Java monkey population , black ape similar animals found only on the island of Java endangered . Then the green turtle species poaching case ( Chleonia mydas ) in Derawan Islands , East Kalimantan . The use of trawl nets by large vessels surrounding communities san Charitable Island and Island Semama not only resulted in a drastic decrease in the number of fish in the waters but also damage coral reefs under the sea waters . While in Tosiaje plastron / chest part of the green turtle has a sale value per - tail Rp 3-5 million . And about 25 pounds / month succeeded in catching only from Tosiaje . In the province of Gorontalo , clam species hunted with the price of Rp 280ribu/kilogram . Clam poaching damage coral reefs as ecosystems clams are rocks which is where he lived and clams embedded in the rocks in order to prevent it from swept waves and ocean currents .
Then the destruction of the ocean in order to study , travel and the use of pharmaceutical and cosmetic raw materials are also still turned out . A lot of research done on marine Indonesia by researchers who come from abroad but return to their home country when they brought some rare species that should not be kept away from their habitats for the purpose of research interests . Tomini Islands and Southeast Sulawesi regency Bone is one of the waters that are often used as a scientific assessment of animal and marine life . Poaching coral reefs as supporting material of pharmaceutical and cosmetic chemicals are also experienced by Bangka Belitung and Riau Islands Province . Vietnamese fishermen who bring their boats across the South China Sea to the waters of Natuna regency and to the Pacific Islands .
Very irony taste , enjoy the natural beauty of this extraordinary Indonesia but the hunt for biological happen behind our eyes and we do not know and do anything about it because all of it has already occurred . The importance of early monitoring and sanctions against the perpetrators of wildlife poaching and destroying ecosystems . By organizing social action to preserve the environment also needs to be done . Real action is essential to restore the ecosystem that has already damaged . Just as an example , the action of turtle breeding and conservation of coral reefs by the government and concerned agencies such as the environmental foundation WWF Indonesia. Social action will be more successful if the public about its implementation also can be included in the environmental awareness activities . Therefore , let us do the monitoring and handling of serious action against this irresponsible . It would be very unfortunate if the natural balance disturbed habitats where marine and inland dwellers Indonesia have become extinct because of poaching that occurs continuously . How do we humans , can not be separated from nature . We take benefit either directly or indirectly . This beauty also has a biological balance , which is offset by the life of flora fauna . Can you imagine? What if beaches and beautiful blue sea without coral reefs and various kinds of fish ? Tropical forests sprawling green without mammals , reptiles, birds and animals of diverse and endemic in the forest ? It's sad is not it.

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