Are You "SSSUSS" Kind of Youth? No Worry, You Are Also Nationalism! (Part 1, 1-2)

9:34 AM LovelyBunny001 0 Comments


012 and 2013 were golden years for me, after 3 years of struggling with the theories of science Sociology in college, I get bored. Then try to find other activities outside Kukerta (College Office and love Stuffes ... * ROTFL). Starting from following the selection of the Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange In the Year 2011, although up to two times the selection swallow bitter the fact is that I do not make a decent standard to be sent to the Maple Leaf country as a representative of the Indonesian – Canada Youth Exchange Participant Youth but my spirit is getting burned. Year after year I spent with the youth gathered together this Out of The Box guys awaken me about what I have done for this country and what inspired me to continue to live in the future and what has been the burden of my responsibilities during breathing in the country of Indonesia.
Culture, Intelligence and Attitude is a young Indonesian capital base to give the image of the Nation, to show the world that Indonesia has the face of superior seeds which will be the hope of a brighter future for the nation of Indonesia. By following the selection of this youth exchange, which is just my background as a young man who never attended youth organizations science and follow the activities of youth gatherings (this means you know a social activity, not merely chilling grew to understand that there are many young men potential in every corner of this country. They are coming from the farthest islands Provincial Capital would come to town to menempun college education, but also active with youth organizations such as KAMMI, HMI, GEM etc.. Social activities of the response, war and poverty. Standing on the red lights on a sweltering afternoon while tilted boxes to collect the bags of money to be donated to people in need. There also were reactive with all government activities, down to the streets protesting the government policy and justice when is happening in this nation. There is also active as a youth delegate tourist ambassadors and other ambassadors with a mission into Indonesian culture presentations throughout Indonesia and abroad.
These youths that I encountered when I attended youth activities over the past two years. They are amazing, I think. And when I get to know them more deeply, yes I was! There's even the rich family background but who would have thought he had migrated to Java capital only desperate to college (and even then college until the end of the semester because too much enjoy time travelling away hahaha ...) ever circumnavigate the island of Java, exploring the mountains and the ocean, if the first encounter with my brother you will not think about the incredible life experience. And he was a lecturer now! But it is still active with youth activities, alumni once my senior Ships Youth archipelago. Not only him, there is also an alumni and seniors also am still of the same youth program. Life experiences may be heavier than me, he comes from the land of the porch Mecca migrated to Batam Island college with the fruits of his own but remains active in the organization even to be a delegate to the Indonesian embassy in Texas, the state of the United States with a mission to introduce Indonesian culture to bule- Caucasians there. Not only the youth alone, the story of the young women that I know it can also inspire you. I knew a year ago through the same program, girls who are super active is indeed remarkable.
There has been in existence here with a myriad of youth programs participated, simple clothes, polite and hooded. Smile always unfurled when he met with anyone. Students are active in one of the Universities in Prov Lampung has a myriad of achievements, winning the provincial oratorical competence. A walk around the island of Java while seclusion in a village in East Java to learn English. Who would have thought now was in Japan for the Chiba prefecture Jenesys 2014. Then there is also the story of the young woman from Aceh, he is my favorite brother. We developed the idea to establish a social youth organization concerned border communities, Nagekeo Care Island. Working as employee salaries in Aceh Pemko environment but do not want to lift the chin with social problems in the environment. Honestly, I was amazed. Even during the early struggles we established organization was he the most active in seeking funding to launch the inaugural activities of our organization. It's been inspiring you?
Youth Pioneers truth, hear the story of their struggle to arrive at the present stage; I said to myself, I was beginning. Reach up or escape it!
And then I ponder, if I follow this activity. There from here, I will not be able to do so. Honestly I could not share time with all of it. Even after the departure of the father, I became more responsible with family welfare. Being the first child's father asks me to continue to work to make money to support my mother who had getting older. I am aware of myself, I can’t always perform such activities (although fun for me to because there are other responsibilities that I can’t avoid.

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